Getting to Noh

Education & Outreach Activities

Noh is classical Japanese theatre that combines elements of dance, drama, music and poetry into one highly aesthetic form of art that has been performed continuously for over 650 years. 

A common response to noh from non-Japanese, echoed by many Japanese, is that they do not understand noh. Our vision is not only to help others understand the wonderful art of noh, and how it has been preserved and continuously performed for the past six centuries, but also to highlight that it is a living art form that also serves to reflect contemporary societies internationally. English language noh, developed over the last 40 years, has given a particular focus to the latter while using the traditions that have been handed down over the centuries in Japan. In the past few years Richard Emmert has been working with noh enthusiasts in other countries to develop new noh in other languages, most specifically France and Mexico, so the in future we may also refer to French language and Spanish language noh.

The 'Getting to Noh' educational and outreach programme of activities runs through our projects and in parallel to the development of the new noh - and is ongoing internationally. We hope it will enable and contribute to further discussion, provide an up-close understanding of noh, and contribute to the blending of art, culture and education.