Jannette Cheong

Oshima Kinue (shite), Oshima Teruhisa (tsure) and Jubilith Moore (waki) perform in the second half of Pagoda at the National Noh Theatre, Tokyo, June 2011.

Pictured also: Tsukitaku Satoshi (noh flute), Takahashi Naoko (kotsuzumi shoulder drum), Okura Eitarō (ōtsuzumi hip drum), Sakurai Hitoshi (taiko stick drum), Kano Ryōichi (kōken), and members of Theatre Nohgaku (chorus).

Photo: Kitazawa Sohta

Jannette Cheong is a poet, playwright, designer, educator and Theatre Nohgaku-affiliated artist. London born, she has been involved with education and artistic collaborations internationally for 50 years.

She is the author of the English noh Pagoda, the first English noh using traditional noh techniques written by a British person, toured by the first joint production between Oshima Noh Theatre and Theatre Nohgaku (Europe 2009, Asia 2011).

Her ballet-noh-opera collaborative piece, Opposites-InVerse, was performed for Matsui Akira’s tribute programme: Noh Time Like the Present, London (2017). Her English noh Between the Stones (Europe, 2020) was again toured by Oshima Noh Theatre and Theatre Nohgaku.